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International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research(IJAIR) is a Peer-Reviewed online Research Journal that showcases original and high-quality research papers in all areas of advance and innovative research. Our vision is to support and encourage the growth of Advance and innovative research by providing a platform for researchers in the field to share their findings and insights. The Journal cordially invites you to submit your work Online Submission or by Email: as research papers, review papers, book reviews, theory-based empirical papers, or any other kind of publication about all facets of advance and innovative research.

All articles published by IJAIR are made freely and permanently accessible online. IJAIR uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. Before being sent to reviewers, manuscripts are pre-screened by the editorial office to check that they agree with the criteria for publishing in IJAIR including fulfilling the aims and scope of the journal, nature of the study, originality of the results, quantity and quality of data, general conclusions, and presentation of the work with a good quality of English language. If the paper does not fulfil these criteria, it may be rejected at this stage without review.

Please read the instructions below carefully for details on the submission of manuscripts, the journal's requirements and standards as well as information concerning the procedure after a manuscript has been accepted for publication in IJAIR.

Click to download Submission Guideline for Author


The type of manuscript accepted in IJAIR includes
  • Original Research articles
  • Review articles
  • Review Papers
  • Book Reviews
  • Theory-based empirical papers


International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research follows the COPE’s ethical guidelines for research and publication . Any form of research misconduct, such as fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism, carried out with the purpose of deceiving will not be tolerated. This is essential in order to uphold a high level of ethical awareness. Also, compliance with publication ethics ensures the integrity of academic research. Hence, It is mandatory for all stakeholders engaged in the publication of a peer-reviewed academic journal, including authors, journal editors, reviewers, and publishers, to uphold the underlying ethical principles of publication.

By submitting a manuscript to the Journal, as an author you have agreed to comply with the Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement.

Click to Download Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement


IJAIR uses a double-blind review process. Before being sent to reviewers, manuscripts are pre-screened by the editorial office to check if the Manuscript is in accordance with the aims and scope of the journal, Nature of the study, originality of the results, quantity and quality of data, general conclusions and presentation of the work is also checked. It is also verified if the manuscript is written in the proper English language or not.

If the paper does not fulfil these criteria, it may be rejected at this stage without review. If the Manuscript is suitable for consideration, then the editor/ editorial team will assign the manuscript to a minimum of two peer reviewers to review the manuscript. For more details about the review process click here

Click to Download Review Process



IJAIR is an open-access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution.

Copyright Policy

The authors of the articles published in IJAIR retain the copyright of their publications. Authors are free to reproduce and disseminate their work. Authors can use all or part of their article in compilations or other publications of their work.

Please note that, once the editorial board informs the author that the paper under review is accepted, via email or online journal system, it is tacitly approved that the copyright of the paper is transferred from the author to the journal, no matter whether the Copyright Form is signed or the formal acceptance letter is offered instantly after the acceptance. As soon as the acceptance decision is notified, the editorial board will not agree to any request from the author for cancellation or removal of the paper.

Licensing Policy

Submitting a manuscript to the International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research(IJAIR), the corresponding author, given consent to the manuscript being licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (Creative Commons CC BY NC 4.0)

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism refers to passing off someone else's work as one's own. It also includes duplicate publication, also known as self-plagiarism, which involves reusing substantial parts of one's own previously published work without proper citation. Plagiarism detection occurs at submission and before review, with manuscripts checked for plagiarism. Depending on the extent of plagiarism detected (greater than 5%, 5-30%, or over 30%), manuscripts are handled accordingly, ranging from content revision to rejection without review. Plagiarism over 30% results in immediate rejection.

All the articles will be checked through Turnitin Software before the publication of the journal.

Click to Download the Details of Open-Access, Copyright, Licensing and Plagiarism Policy

Reviewer Guidelines

Copyright Form

Journal Template